\n For more information, please read our recently released research\n report:\n
\n\n \n Coping with Climate: How extreme weather is already impacting internal\n migrants (A comprehensive study across 5 countries in South and\n Southeast Asia).\n \n\n

\n Additional Resources\n

    \n {data.map((row, key) => (\n
  • \n \n {row.text}\n \n
  • \n ))}\n
\n );\n}\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport Section from \"@/components/ui/section\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nimport KnowMore from \"@/components/ui/know-more\";\nimport cn from \"classnames\";\nimport { SinglePoint } from \"./key-facts\";\nexport default function ClimateImpacts({ data, columns = 2 }) {\n return (\n
Climate impacts
\n \n {data.map((row, key) => (\n \n ))}\n {/* \n \n
\n \n
\n */}\n \n {/* */}\n
\n );\n}\nconst IconBox = ({ data, variant = \"dark\", columns }) => {\n const { icon, title, description } = data;\n return (\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n );\n};\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nimport KnowMore from \"@/components/ui/know-more\";\nexport default function Insights({ data }) {\n return (\n <>\n
\n {data.map((row, key) => (\n \n ))}\n
\n {/* */}\n \n );\n}\n\nconst Block = ({ data, reverse }) => {\n const { heading, text, image } = data;\n return (\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n {heading}\n

\n sup]:text-lightBlue text-justify\"\n />\n
\n {data.extra && (\n \n )}\n \n );\n};\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport Section from \"@/components/ui/section\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nimport cn from \"classnames\";\nexport default function KeyFacts({ data }) {\n return (\n

\n Key Facts on internal migration\n

\n {data.map((row, key) => (\n \n ))}\n
\n );\n}\nexport const IconBox = ({ data, variant = \"dark\", textPosition }) => {\n const { icon, title, description } = data;\n return (\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n );\n};\n\nexport const SinglePoint = ({ title, description, textPosition }) => {\n return (\n
\n {title && (\n
\n {title}\n
\n )}\n {description && (\n sup>]:text-lightBlue hover:text-darkBlue lg:text-base text-sm font-normal w-full md:leading-tight ${textPosition}`}\n >\n {description}\n

\n )}\n
\n );\n};\n","import Section from \"@/components/ui/section\";\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nexport default function Partners({ data }) {\n return (\n


\n {data.map((row, key) => (\n \n ))}\n
\n );\n}\nexport const LogoBox = ({ data }) => {\n const { logo, title, link } = data;\n return link ? (\n \n \n \n ) : (\n
\n \n
\n );\n};\n","import Section from \"@/components/ui/section\";\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nimport cn from \"classnames\";\nexport default function States({\n map,\n title,\n className,\n mapClass = \"lg:w-[500px] md:w-[400px] w-full lg:h-[500px] md:h-[400px] h-[300px]\",\n}) {\n return (\n


\n \n \n \n
\n );\n}\n","import Section from \"@/components/ui/section\";\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport Slick from \"@/components/ui/carousel/slick\";\nimport dynamic from \"next/dynamic\";\nconst ReactPlayer = dynamic(() => import(\"react-player/lazy\"), { ssr: false });\nexport default function Stories({ data, title, slidesToShow = 2 }) {\n var responsive = [\n {\n breakpoint: 1280,\n settings: {\n slidesToShow: slidesToShow,\n },\n },\n {\n breakpoint: 991,\n settings: {\n slidesToShow: 2,\n },\n },\n {\n breakpoint: 768,\n settings: {\n slidesToShow: 2,\n },\n },\n {\n breakpoint: 479,\n settings: {\n slidesToShow: 1,\n },\n },\n ];\n return (\n


\n \n {data?.map((row, key) => (\n
\n video]:object-cover rounded-xl`}\n playing={false}\n loop={false}\n // light={card?.image}\n // playIcon={}\n playsinline={true}\n width=\"100%\"\n height=\"100%\"\n controls={true}\n muted={true}\n />\n

\n {row?.title}\n

\n ))}\n \n
\n );\n}\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\nimport \"slick-carousel/slick/slick.css\";\nimport \"slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css\";\nimport Image from \"next/image\";\nexport default function Slick({\n children,\n slidesToScroll = 1,\n slidesToShow = 3,\n dots = false,\n infinite = true,\n responsive,\n navigation = true,\n fade = false,\n autoplay = true,\n onSlideChange,\n}) {\n let nextButtonClassName =\n \"w-8 h-8 text-base lg:text-lg text-white flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-lightBlue shrink-0 transition duration-250 hover:bg-gray-300 hover:text-white focus:outline-none transform shadow-navigation\";\n\n let prevButtonClassName =\n \"w-8 h-8 text-base lg:text-lg text-white flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-lightBlue shrink-0 transition duration-250 hover:bg-gray-300 hover:text-white focus:outline-none transform shadow-navigation\";\n\n const NextButton = ({ onClick }) => {\n return (\n \n
\n \n
\n {/* */}\n \n );\n };\n const PrevButton = ({ onClick }) => {\n return (\n \n
\n \n
\n \n );\n };\n const [slideIndex, setSlideIndex] = useState(0);\n var settings = {\n dots: dots,\n infinite: infinite,\n speed: 500,\n slidesToShow: slidesToShow,\n slidesToScroll: slidesToScroll,\n nextArrow: navigation ? : false,\n prevArrow: navigation ? : false,\n responsive: responsive,\n lazyLoad: true,\n dotsClass: \"slick-dots slick-thumb\",\n swipeToSlide: true,\n fade: fade,\n autoplay: autoplay,\n autoplaySpeed: 6000,\n draggable: true,\n accessibility: true,\n beforeChange: (current, next) => {\n setSlideIndex(next);\n if (onSlideChange) onSlideChange(next); // Call the callback here\n },\n // cssEase: \"linear\",\n };\n\n return (\n
\n {children}\n
\n );\n}\n","import React from \"react\";\n\nexport default function Superscript({ path, index }) {\n return (\n \n \n [{index}]\n \n \n );\n}\n","import Superscript from \"@/components/ui/superscript\";\nexport const keyFacts = [\n {\n title: <>Number of internal migrants,\n description: (\n <>\n 10.5 million\n {\" \"}\n lifetime migrants\n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/migration.png\",\n },\n {\n title: <>Migration trends,\n description: (\n <>\n 65%\n of\n all migrants move from rural to urban areas in Nepal\n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/urbanization.png\",\n },\n {\n title: <>Key destination areas,\n description: (\n <>\n Kathmandu{\" \"}\n \n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/destination (2).png\",\n },\n {\n title: (\n <>\n Prominent sectors of employment for migrants\n {\" \"}\n \n ),\n description: (\n <>\n Service sector\n {\" \"}\n (42.7%), construction (12.6%) and manufacturing (9.9).\n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/job.png\",\n },\n];\nexport const climateImpacts = [\n {\n description: (\n <>\n Climate migration: There are 345,018\n {\" \"}\n estimated climate migrants in the country. An estimated 1.3 million\n people are predicted to migrate by 2050 as a result of climate change\n \n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/migration.png\",\n },\n {\n description: (\n <>\n Top three impacts at source on livelihoods are wage loss (74%) wage cut\n (68%) and crop loss (50%), and top three negative household impacts are\n food insecurity (83%), health issues (42%) and loss of access to water\n or sanitation services (37%) livelihoods impacts. (Sample size - 1494)\n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/impact.png\",\n },\n {\n description: (\n <>\n Top three impacts at destination top three negative livelihood impacts\n are wage loss (87%), wage cut (49%), and employment related asset loss\n (17%), and top three negative household impacts are food insecurity\n (64%), health issues (63%), and loss of access to water and sanitation\n (37%). (Sample size - 734)\n \n ),\n icon: \"/images/icons/home.png\",\n },\n];\nexport const stories = [\n {\n title: \"No Escape: From Droughts to Floods\",\n description: \"\",\n videoPath: \"https://youtu.be/5ApJahjRnTY\",\n },\n {\n title: \"Crop Failure: Indebted by Climate Change\",\n description: \"\",\n videoPath: \"https://youtu.be/4sK5mY4YFok\",\n },\n];\n\nexport const partners = [\n {\n title: \"Samari Utthan Sewa\",\n logo: \"/images/partners/Samari Utthan Sewa (SUS) logo.png\",\n link: \"https://samariutthan.org.np/\",\n },\n {\n title: \"NEEDS Nepal\",\n logo: \"/images/partners/NEEDS Nepal logo.jpg\",\n link: \"https://needsnepal.org.np/\",\n },\n {\n title: \"Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES)\",\n logo: \"/images/partners/Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES) logo.png\",\n link: \"http://www.mahilaekata.org/\",\n },\n];\n\nexport const seo = {\n slug: \"/nepal\",\n metaTitle: \"Nepal | People’s Courage International, South & Southeast Asia\",\n metaDescription:\n \"PCII operates two initiatives in Nepal: Migrants Resilience Collaborative and the climate resilience initiative.\",\n};\n\nexport const jsonLd = {\n \"@context\": \"http://www.schema.org\",\n \"@type\": \"Organization\",\n name: \"People’s Courage International\",\n description:\n \"People’s Courage International is a USA-based not-for-profit organization. Join our charity and help us provide critical support to those in need around the world.\",\n address: {\n \"@type\": \"PostalAddress\",\n streetAddress: \"3206 10th Street NE, Washington\",\n addressLocality: \"DC\",\n postalCode: \"20017\",\n addressCountry: \"USA\",\n },\n contactPoint: {\n \"@type\": \"ContactPoint\",\n telephone: \"+1202-573-8727\",\n contactType: \"customer support\",\n },\n};\n\nexport const nepalInsights = [\n {\n heading:\n \"Increase in rural to urban migration in the country has led to a loss of labour in rural areas:\",\n text: `The most prominent labour movement in the country has been from the mountains to the Terai region in Nepal. Some districts have experienced an outmigration of up to half of their population.[9] Studies have shown that this has led to a shortage of agricultural labour in rural areas. In some regions of Nepal, rural communities use agricultural traditions like the 'parma'[10], a reciprocal labour exchange system between households to supplement labour loss.[11]`,\n image: \"/images/nepal/insight-1.jpg\",\n extra:\n \"[10] The Parma system in Nepal is a reciprocal exchange of labour. Households come together to conduct similar work such as sowing or harvesting on each household farm during agricultural season. There is no payment involved, but every contributing household is intended to receive the same service in return.\",\n },\n {\n heading:\n \"Earthquakes and natural disasters – aggravated by climate change – have driven internal migration in the country:\",\n text: `More than 80 percent of the total population of Nepal is at high risk from natural hazards like floods, landslides, earthquakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF).[12] Landslides exacerbate water scarcity and climate events can devastate entire villages, leading to increased internal migration. The Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID,2023) estimated 93,000 internal displacement disasters in the country which led to 58,000 internally displaced people in 2022. Across South Asia, Nepal has the fifth highest internally displaced people.[13]`,\n image: \"/images/nepal/insight-2.jpg\",\n },\n {\n heading:\n \"Challenges related to the implementation of labour laws increase the vulnerability of migrant workers:\",\n text: `In Nepal, amendments to the Labour Act in 2017 and Labour Rules in 2018, extended the applicability of the act to firms of any size. However, cases of collective bargaining, safety and health, or labour relation committees do not fall under the new amendment.[14] This could result in those working in small sized enterprises being susceptible to exploitation. Furthermore, compliance with these laws has implementation challenges. For instance, enforcement of minimum wage laws is limited, resulting in cases of workers being paid below the minimum wage.[15]`,\n image: \"/images/nepal/insight-3.jpg\",\n },\n {\n heading:\n \"The Social Security Fund in Nepal was recently expanded to cover informal sector workers and self-employed individuals:\",\n text: `There are 87 social security schemes in Nepal.[16] One of the key schemes for workers is the Social Security Fund, launched in 2018, initially covering only formal sector workers. Recently the scheme was expanded to include informal workers and self-employed individuals. The fund includes four schemes: medical and safe maternity protection, accidents and disabilities, dependent family protection scheme, and old age protection scheme.[17]`,\n image: \"/images/nepal/insight-4.jpg\",\n },\n];\nexport const learnMore = [\n {\n link: \"https://publications.iom.int/books/migration-nepal-country-profile-2019#:~:text=IOM%20Publications%20Platform,-Main%20navigation&text=This%20inaugural%20Migration%20Profile%20for,working%20overseas%20or%20has%20returned\",\n text: \"Migration in Nepal\",\n },\n {\n link: \"https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-44010-7_13\",\n text: \"Internal Migration in Nepal\",\n },\n];\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport BannerCard from \"@/components/ui/banner-card\";\nimport KeyFacts from \"@/components/pages/country/key-facts\";\nimport Insights from \"@/components/pages/country/insights\";\nimport AdditonalResources from \"@/components/pages/country/additonal-resources\";\nimport {\n keyFacts,\n climateImpacts,\n stories,\n partners,\n seo,\n jsonLd,\n nepalInsights,\n learnMore,\n} from \"@/data/nepal\";\nimport ClimateImpacts from \"@/components/pages/country/climate-impacts\";\nimport Stories from \"@/components/pages/country/stories\";\nimport Partners from \"@/components/pages/country/partners\";\nimport States from \"@/components/pages/country/states\";\nimport Section from \"@/components/ui/section\";\nimport Head from \"next/head\";\nimport Seo from \"@/utils/seo\";\nexport default function Nepal() {\n return (\n <>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

\n About Internal Migration in Nepal\n

\n \n
\n \n \n );\n}\n"],"names":["window","__NEXT_P","push","__webpack_require__","AdditonalResources","param","data","react_jsx_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__","jsx","Section","jsxs","div","className","h5","a","href","target","rel","p","ul","map","row","key","li","link","text","ClimateImpacts","columns","variant","cn","IconBox","icon","title","description","Image","src","alt","fill","sizes","SinglePoint","textPosition","Insights","Fragment","Block","reverse","heading","image","concat","h4","dangerouslySetInnerHTML","__html","extra","KeyFacts","h2","h6","Partners","LogoBox","logo","States","mapClass","ReactPlayer","dynamic","e","then","t","bind","ssr","Stories","slidesToShow","responsive","breakpoint","settings","Slick","autoplay","slidesToScroll","url","videoPath","playing","loop","playsinline","width","height","controls","muted","children","dots","infinite","navigation","fade","onSlideChange","slideIndex","setSlideIndex","useState","speed","nextArrow","onClick","button","aria-label","quality","priority","NextButton","prevArrow","PrevButton","lazyLoad","dotsClass","swipeToSlide","autoplaySpeed","draggable","accessibility","beforeChange","current","next","Slider","Superscript","path","index","sup","keyFacts","jsx_runtime","climateImpacts","stories","partners","seo","slug","metaTitle","metaDescription","jsonLd","name","address","streetAddress","addressLocality","postalCode","addressCountry","contactPoint","telephone","contactType","nepalInsights","learnMore","Nepal","Seo","Head","script","type","JSON","stringify","BannerCard","banner","isActive"],"sourceRoot":""}